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Showing posts from August, 2011

Beer Data

These are a few of my favorite things. As we all know, the goal of beer-drinking is to get drunk.  But here in America, people are sometimes so preoccupied with not getting fatter, that it gets in the way of their beer-drinking.  Supposedly, this is why light beers were invented. However, it is my belief that light beer, since it is typically lower in alcohol, defeats it's own purpose by requiring you to drink more of it to get drunk.  For this reason, i have collected the above data.  The table includes some of my favorite beers, in addition to all the shitty "frat beers" that people waste their time drinking.  The beers are sorted in descending alcohol to calorie ratio, i.e. drunk to fat ratio. The results are kind of upsetting, but telling.  I've also been trying to collect the data necessary to compile a alcohol to cost component (i.e. drunk to poor ratio), but this is more difficult with the fluctuating and varying costs of beer.  If any...

Grocery Store Sale Comparisons

I'm up to four graphs. Guess how long it takes me to go grocery shopping. Guess how i spend my Friday nights. But guess where i'm going to buy eggs!

Kingdom of Loathing Crafting

This is me. Crafting is a large part of KoL (Kingdom of Loathing, a delightful browser-based, multiplayer role-playing game).  As a disco bandit, i am skilled at the art of cocktailcrafting.  There are many discoveries i've yet to make, so i need to keep track of what ingredients i need to acquire to make new drinks. The left column denotes the type of item i hope to discover. I've also got a Chef-in-the-Box which helps me cook fancy dishes. Green cells denote items i already have. Below is some of the equipment i possess, organized by type.  The "Handed" column refers to the number of hands required to wield a weapon.  Note that some weapons require three hands. Meat is the currency of the Kingdom of Loathing. If you combine some meat, you can make meat paste.  With meat paste, you can glue other items together, creating familiars, gear, usables, etc. The parenthetical statements following some of the items describe the quests, locations, o...

Grocery Store Sale Comparisons

Now with more grocery stores!   Who wants to go on my grocery (s)tour? Three graphs!