I own several Fitbits because i heart numbers. I am a bona fide Fitbitch. In college, i learned that Donny Rumsfeld walks 10,000 steps a day. I immediately purchased a pedometer, and i would go walk on the treadmill in my apartment complex' gym post-da club, beer in hand, if i didn't have 10,000 steps at the end of every day. I am very competitive, and i was not about to let Rummy beat me. If he walks more steps than i, the terrorists win!
Now i've leveled up with a pedometer that also monitors my heart rate, syncs with my phone, and signals to my peers that i have made it! Since i'm no longer in the service industry, i rarely get 10,000 steps in a day any more. Whatever! Rumsfeld's probably sitting on his fat ass these days too! Neither of us are getting younger! Don't judge me!
Anyway, i've tweaked my daily step goal down to my average so that i wasn't so downtrodden every day i didn't meet my goal. Now, if i beat the average, i'm raising the average! Those are numbers i can step to!
Weekly, i get a progress report from Fitbit, as can be seen above (suck it, Joe Chair!) And then i re-calibrate my overall average, and make that my new goal! When last i checked in, my overall average was 6,492 steps per day. As you can see from the chart below, i got my first Fitbit (i wore one into a pool, lost one in France, and dropped another in the ocean) 7 March 2014.
My lifetime steps are 3,992,206. Which means my new daily average is 6,513 steps--that's a .3169% increase! Alright, shut up--any increase is good!
Now i've leveled up with a pedometer that also monitors my heart rate, syncs with my phone, and signals to my peers that i have made it! Since i'm no longer in the service industry, i rarely get 10,000 steps in a day any more. Whatever! Rumsfeld's probably sitting on his fat ass these days too! Neither of us are getting younger! Don't judge me!
Anyway, i've tweaked my daily step goal down to my average so that i wasn't so downtrodden every day i didn't meet my goal. Now, if i beat the average, i'm raising the average! Those are numbers i can step to!
Weekly, i get a progress report from Fitbit, as can be seen above (suck it, Joe Chair!) And then i re-calibrate my overall average, and make that my new goal! When last i checked in, my overall average was 6,492 steps per day. As you can see from the chart below, i got my first Fitbit (i wore one into a pool, lost one in France, and dropped another in the ocean) 7 March 2014.
My lifetime steps are 3,992,206. Which means my new daily average is 6,513 steps--that's a .3169% increase! Alright, shut up--any increase is good!
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