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Law & Order Watched

Green rows are completed seasons.
Franchise Key
OG = Original (Gangsta')
SVU = Special Victims Unit
CI = Criminal Intent
TBJ = Trial by Jury
UK = United Kingdom
LA = Los Angeles

  • when all the rows are green, denoting i've watched every episode in existence, i clear the table and start over
  • there are Parisian and Russian adaptations of Law & Order as well, but so far, the internet has not yielded them to me
  • this table is not up to date--i have actually watched many more episodes, but the table is primarily important when i am downloading mass quantities of L&O and i easily get lost in the as yet unorganized, mid-download folders
  • in addition to the five Law & Order-titled series that comprise the franchise proper, other American TV series have been established as taking place in the same fictional universe as the franchise--consequently, i sometimes watch episodes of Homicide:  Life on the Streets


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